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树立安全科技文化的新理念 全面建设小康社会.docx

上传人:一米阳光 文档编号:214805 上传时间:2023-01-21 格式:DOCX 页数:8 大小:21.52KB
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1、树立安全科技文化的新理念 全面建设小康社会树立安全科技文化的新理念 全面建设小康社会徐德蜀(中国劳动保护科学技术学会)【摘要】提出了全面建设小康社会,必须遵循:以保护人民的安全与健康为前提,以实现人与自然和谐为条件,要突出珍惜生命、关爱安康、环保、减灾的原则和指导思想。指出了我国严重的意外伤亡事故直接影响全面小康建设;论述了安康、环保、减灾与全面小康的关系;强调了安全、健康的人民是建设全面小康的动力和基础;以安全科学、安全文化的观点,建议全国人民树立与时俱进的安全科技文化新理念,强化风险忧患意识和养成终身学习及安康自护的品质。【关键词】安全 科技 文化 小康 理念Acquire a New C

2、oncept of Scientific Safety Culture toBuild a Well-off Society in an All-round WayXu Deshu(Chinese Society for Science and Technology of Labour Protection)Abstract:In order to build a well-off society in all-round way,wemust abide by:to protect peoples safety and health as theprerequisite,to realize

3、 the harmony between the mankind and thenature as the condition,and to specially emphasizing the principleand guiding ideology of treasuring human life,and paying greatattention to safety and health,environment protection and disasterreduction.The author points out that severe accidental injuries wi

4、llhave direct impact on building an all-round well-off society.Therelationship between safety and health,environment protection,anddisaster reduction and all-round well-off society is discussed.It isemphasized that people in safe and healthy situation is themotivation and basis for building an all-r

5、ound well-off society.Fromthe point of view of safety science and safety culture,it issuggested that nation-wide people must acquire a new concept ofscientific safety culture and advance with the times,enhance theawareness of unexpected development,and develop a quality oflifelong learning and self-

6、protection.Key words:Safety Science and technology Culture Well-off Concept1 前 言在中国共产党第十六次代表大会上,江泽民同志在其工作报告中强调,在21 世纪的头 20 年,要集中力量,全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会。这是“十六大”提出的奋斗新目标;是在 20 世纪末,我国人民总体上达到了较低水平小康之后,中国共产党带领全国人民,实现全面奔小康社会的承诺;是“三个代表”思想的真切体现;是中国强国富民的必然之路。全面建设小康社会也是 21 世纪中国共产党人要为之奋斗的光荣任务。要全面建设更高水平的小康社会,不仅是物质丰富,也不仅是经济指标不断提升,还要体现在全民族的精神文明、政治文明、科技进步、文化繁荣、生活富裕等多方面,对社会发展的各个领域都提出了更高的目标和要求。笔者认为,要全面建设小康社会,首先必须遵循:要以保护人民的安全与健康为基础,以实现人与自然和谐为前提,要突出珍惜生命、关爱安康,保护环境、减灾防灾的原则和指导思想。如果没有人民的生命安全,没有大众的身心健康,就失去了建设小康的原动力量和根


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