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1、I 摘摘 要要 本设计矿井为鹤岗矿业集团峻德煤矿 240 万吨/年新矿井设计, 共有 2 层可 采煤层 17#、21#。煤层工业牌号为 1/3 焦煤,设计井田的可采储量 20700Mt, 服务年限为 61a。设计采用以双立井为主的联合开拓方式,划分两个水平,六 个采区。达产时采区为一采区和二采区,各布置一个工作面,联合布置, 17#、 21#层单独开采。采煤方法为走向长壁下行垮落采煤法,采煤工艺为综合机械 化放顶煤工艺,顶板处理方法为全部垮落法。 矿井通风方式为分区式,通风方法为抽出式,采区通风系统为轨道上山和运 输上山进风,回风上山回风,采煤工作面采用“U”型上行式通风,掘进工作面 采用压入

2、式通风,矿井容易时期设计需风量为 139 m3/s,困难时期设计需风量为 146m3/s。 进而选出矿井主要通风机型号为 BD NO-22, 电动机型号为 YB355M2-8, 且对矿井所需通风构筑物进行布置。 关键词关键词:通风设计 矿井通风系统 通风阻力 II Abstract The design of mine for Hegang Junde Coal Mining Group 2,400,000 tons / year of new mine design, a total of 2 coal seam layer 17 #, 21 #. Industrial grade coal

3、 is 1 / 3 coking coal, the design of mine recoverable reserves of 20700Mt, length of service for the 61a double shaft design combined to open up the way, divided into two levels, six mining area. Mining area at the middle of a mining area and the second mining area, the layout of a face, a joint arr

4、angement, 17 #, 21 # layers separate mining. Mining methods to falling down a long wall coal mining law, mining technology for integrated mechanized top coal caving technology approach for the entire roof falling Act. Mine ventilation for partition type, the method of taking the type of ventilation,

5、 ventilation systems for the mining area and transport up the mountain track up the mountain into the wind, to wind up the mountain back to the wind, coal face using U-type upstream ventilation, the use of heading face pressure-in ventilation, mine design to be easy to time the wind was 139 m3 / s,

6、designed to be a difficult time for the air flow 146m3 / s. Elected to the main mine fan model BD NO-22, the motor model YB35M2-8, and the structure of the mine ventilation required to set up their equipment. Key words :ventilation design mine ventilation system ventilation resistance III 目目 录录 摘 要 . I Abstract . II 目 录 . III 第 1 章 井田概况及地质特征 . 1 1.1 井田概况 . 1 1.1.1 井田位置及范围 . 1 1.1.2 交通位置 . 1 1.1.3 地形地势 . 1 1.1.4 气候 雨量 风向 风速 . 1 1.1.5 河流 . 3 1.2 地质特征 . 4 1.2.1 矿区范围内的地层情况 . 4 1.2.2 井田范围内和附近的主要地质构造


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