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1、Some Potential Consequences of High Temperatures in Summer 夏季安全生产注意事项夏季安全生产注意事项 Process Hazards 工艺隐患工艺隐患 As the temperature gets higher, the vapour pressure of solvents and chemicals gets higher. The evaporation rate is higher and the concentration of pollutants in the air increases with more risks

2、of explosion. 随着温度的逐渐升高,化学品或溶剂也更容易气化。由于气化 速率的升高,污染物在空气中的浓度也会变高,从而更容易发 生爆炸。 A classical accident can easily happen. A chemical is stored in a vessel. It is very hot and the pressure of the gas phase in the top of the vessel is high. Suddenly, a storm with heavy rain occurs and the temperature decreas

3、es very quickly and so does the pressure in the top of the vessel. If safety valves are not correctly designed or if they are partially blocked, the vessel can be put under vacuum and collapse with potential emission of product that can lead to a fire. 有一类事故就经常发生。一个容器里装有化学品,由于温度很 高,容器顶部的气相就会更多的集聚,从而

4、产生较大的压力。 若突遇暴雨,容器内气相的压力会随着温度的急剧降低而迅速 减小,如果呼吸阀设计不合理或安装不正确或堵塞,不能迅速 平衡压力,就会导致容器抽瘪破碎,从而使化学品泄漏,甚至 可能发生火灾。 A flash of lightning which strikes a power supply cable even far from the plant can cause a surge in high voltage and makes our plant lose power. It could be very dangerous for our plant, maybe resul

5、ting in recycling water outage or air/N2/O2/steam outage or critical compressor of main plant outage or in a succession of outages in the area. 如果闪电打在供电电缆上,即使地点离我们工厂较远,也会产 生一股足以导致设备瘫痪的强大电流。这对我们工厂来说非常 危险,可能会导致循环水供应中断,蒸汽、N2、O2、空气供 应中断,主装置压缩机停机,区域内所有装置停车等状况。 Flash of lightning can also cause explosion

6、and fire if lightning rod or static facilities arent in good condition. Lightning spark can set fire to flammable gas accumulations due to leakage or spattering. 如果避雷针或导静电设施存在问题,闪电甚至会引发爆炸和火 灾。闪电火花能够引燃泄漏的可燃性气体。 Violent rains can also occur in summer and can overwhelm our drainage and other facilities with violent rains. 夏季经常有暴雨,暴雨有可能会淹没我们的排水系统和其他设 施。 广东茂名乙烯厂暴雨中爆炸 Process Prevention Measure 预防措施预防措施 Mobile phone and other non-explosive equipment like iron tools or usual flashlight or general radio

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