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1、阴阳历与属相传统阳历有 24 个节气,每个节气均为 15 天,第一个节气称为“立春”,通常 2 月 4 日或 5 日为立春。The traditional solar calendar has 24 fifteen-day solar terms24节气, and the first, called Startof Spring, falls on February 4 (or 5).the zodiac year 生肖年fortune telling 算命astrology 星象学五行理论是一种 ZG 哲学,用来描述天下万物之间相生相克的关系。Five Elements Theory is

2、a Chinese philosophy used to describe interactions and relationshipsbetween things.wood, fire, earth, metal, and water 木火土金水the Spring and Autumn Period (770476 BC)春秋时期fengshui 风水martial arts 武术中医认为,每个人的身体都有自然修复的能力,医疗只是这种修复能力的辅助。Traditional Chinese medicine advocates that everyones body has natural

3、healing abilities 自然修复的能力. Medical treatment just offers assistance to those healing abilities 医疗只是这种修复能力的辅助.ZG 的动物生肖每 12 年一轮回, 每年都是一个生肖年并带有该生肖年的特征。 过去人们传统上利用生肖动物来标记年份。The Chinese animal zodiac 生肖, or shengxiao, is a repeating cycle of 12 years12 年一轮回,with each year being represented by an animal an

4、d its reputed attributes 每年都是一个生肖年并带有该生肖的特性. Traditionally these zodiac animals 生肖动物 were used to date theyears.标记年份十二生肖:In order, the 12 animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat,Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. Each year is associated with a zodiac animal 生肖. 2018 is theyear of the

5、 Dog 狗年,注意写法.As the old saying goes, “a thing is valued in proportion to its rarity”物以稀为贵, so the Ratranks first of the 12 zodiac animals 因此老鼠列 12 生肖之首. It uniquely combines theattributes of odd (yang) and even (yin). 4+5=9, and yang is dominant, so the Rat is classifiedas odd (yang) overall. 鼠总体上被归

6、为“阳”Each animal has symbolic meanings 象征意义 given to it by the ancient Chinese. Theseanimal attributes 动物特性 come in six contrasting pairs 分为对比鲜明的六组 that must beharmonized 必须进行调和, like yin and yang, and are the primary factor governing the orderof the zodiac 是属相排序的主要因素.你的生肖、属相根据 ZG 阴历依照你的出生年份确定。Your Chinese Zodiac sign is derived from 源于 your birth year 出生年份, according to theChinese lunar calendar 按照 ZG 阴历.your Chinese zodiac year 生肖年,属相Chinese Zodiac 属相 - the symbolic animals 生肖 associated with e

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