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本文(站内电缆沟开挖安全技术交底.docx)为本站会员(一米阳光)主动上传,安全人之家仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知安全人之家(发送邮件至316976779@qq.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、站内电缆沟开挖安全技术交底站内电缆沟开挖安全技术交底Content of Disclosure:交底内容:Technical Disclosure:1、挖沟时施工人员之间应保持 35m 的距离。在有地下光、电缆和管路的地方挖沟、坑时,应了解地下设施的用途、埋设位置,并与有关部门联系,做好防护后再施工。Itis necessary to keep a distance of 3 to 5 meters from the place whereexcavation is performed. When trench in the places where there areunderground

2、optical cables, electrical cables and pipes, it isnecessary to understand the purpose and location of the undergroundfacilities, contact with the relevant departments, and carry out goodprotection before construction.2、当挖沟、坑影响行人妨碍交通或站内作业时,应在施工地点 35m 处加设防护,并应当天回填夯实。如需过夜时,需搭人行便桥、通车便道,并设防护栏和警示灯,必要时应派专人

3、监守。在有倒塌危险的房屋、围墙附近开挖时应对其临时加固。When trench affects trafficor station operations, set up protection facilities 3-5 meters fromthe construction site and backfill and compact the trench the sameday. In case of overnight, it is need to take temporary deckingacross open trench, set fences and warning lights

4、, and send someoneto take care of it when necessary. When trench in the vicinity ofhouses and fences are at risk of collapsing, it is necessary toreinforce them temporarily.3、严禁在影响路基稳定的范围内挖沟、坑,在铁路沿线或穿越铁路挖沟、坑时,摆放的料具和挖出的土石严禁侵入基本建筑限界,并应采取防止塌落的措施。It is prohibited to trench within thearea which would imp

5、act stability of roadbed. When trench along therailway or crossing the railway, related materials, tools, excavatedearth and rock are not allowed to put into the construction boundaryand measures should be taken to prevent collapse.4、电缆、光缆敷设需通过铁路、公路、繁忙车道时开挖时间尽量选择在车辆最低峰进行,并应采取安全防护措施。If optical and el

6、ectrical cable have to across therail, road, and busy lane, try to avoid rush hours and should takesafety measures.5、挖沟、坑的弃土应距沟、坑边 0.4m 以外。堆土高度不应高于 1.5m。Trench spoil pit should be placed away from the trench byat least 0.4 meter with a height of less than 1.5m.6、在土质松软地带挖沟、坑时应按斜坡形开挖,坡度的大小应根据土壤的性质、湿度及坑深确定,宜符合下表的规定:When trench in soft soil area, excavate a slopewith its angle based on the nature, moisture of the soil and pitdepth. The slope should meet the following requirements:沟、坑的坡度表 Table of sl

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