1、1. Safety is a commodity. !Safety at first !To be safe can not depend on wise behind. !Tolerating danger is to cut ones own throat. !Second thoughts are best for safety. !A stumble may prevent a fall. !2. (MSM morden safety management) (PSM process safety management) (ISRS international safety risk
2、system)HSE (HSE Case) (ERP emergency responsible progress) (HAZID hazardous identify) (HAZOP) (PHA process hazardous analysis)- (What-if) (FMEA) (Event Tree Analysis) (Fault Tree Analysis) (Qualitative Risk Assessment) (QRA) (Fire Safety Analysis) (Safety Audit) (Project Risk Management) (Enterprise
3、 Risk Management)3. MBMining BureauSafe allowable floor load Safe atmosphere Safe capacitySafe circuitSafe concentration Safe dust concentration Safe container Safe criterion Safe current carrying capacitySafe currentSafe curtainSafe dispersing area Safe escape appliance Safe escape/evacuation Safe floorSafe guardSafe illuminationSafe in operationSafe limitSafe load Safe operating pressureSafe practiceSafe refugeSafe reliabilitySafe temperature Safe guard construction Safeguard measureSafeguard practice Safeguard structure Safeguarding structureSafelight
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