1、2016 年 11 月上第 45 卷第 21 期施工技术CONSTUCTION TECHNOLOGY9DOI:10.7672/sgjs2016210009钢筋混凝土框架接梁后锚固节点抗震性能研究*王永泉1,韦芳芳1,瞿丽华2,张军3(1 河海大学水利水电学院,江苏南京210098;2 南通市规划设计院有限公司,江苏南通226601;3 江苏中南建筑产业集团有限责任公司,江苏南通226100)摘要为研究建筑改扩建对混凝土框架梁柱节点抗震性能的影响,以实际框架结构为原型,制作了缩尺比例为1 2的 3 个接梁后锚固节点试件,包括 2 个框架结构中间层边节点和 1 个框架顶层边节点的接梁后锚固,中间层
2、边节点新增梁做法为直接植筋且增设短钢筋法和增设钢抱箍焊接新增梁主筋法,框架顶层边节点新增梁柱构件均采用直接植筋法。为便于对比分析,同期制作了一个相同缩尺比例的整浇中间层十字节点。通过试验研究和数值模拟,研究了 4 个节点试件在低周反复荷载作用下的抗震性能。数值模拟分析表明,节点简化数值模型能够分析节点受力的基本规律,但因节点区的加固改造较为复杂,实际节点的状态很难精确模拟,节点延性和耗能能力的数值模拟结果偏大。关键词钢筋混凝土;框架接梁;后锚固;节点;有限元分析;抗震性能 中图分类号TU375 文献标识码A 文章编号1002-8498(2016)21-0009-06Seismic Perfor
3、mance Study for Post-installed Joint in Beams Connectedwith einforced Concrete FrameworkWang Yongquan1,Wei Fangfang1,Qu Lihua2,Zhang Jun3(1 College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu210098,China;2 Nantong City Planning and Design Institute Co,Ltd,Nantong
4、,Jiangsu226601,China;3 Jiangsu Zhongnan Architecture Industry Group Co,Ltd,Nantong,Jiangsu226100,China)Abstract:Aiming at the impaction on seismic behavior of concrete frame beam-column joints after post-install process,four test specimens made by proportion of 1 2 are under quasi-static test and fi
5、niteelement numerical simulation These four joints are respectively made from a premade cross beam-columnjoint specimen,a top corner beam-column joint made by the method of planting reinforcing bars,twomid-level-side joints made by the method of adding shorter reinforcements on the base of plantingr
6、einforcing bar and welding the installed bar on the steel plate which is around the longitudinal reinforcingbar of the existing beam or column(WSP)It observes the destruction process of specimens and comparebearing capacity and ductility properties of different post-install method The numerical simulations showthat the simplified joint numerical model can analyze fundamental laws of joints,but due to complicatedreinforcement of joints,the actual joint status is difficult to accurately simulate,a
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