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1、卷帘门安装作业指导书Installation instruction of roll-up shutter卷帘门包括防火卷帘门和普通卷帘门。普通卷帘门的传动方式有手动、电动与手动组合传动两种。电动兼手动式的,在正常情况下用电动启闭,当遇到临时停电或其他意外时,则可用手动开闭。operated by manual and electric combine manual,in normal way it is operated byelectric,by manual when face power cut.1、卷帘门安装施工准备Preparation for installation 洞口准备:

2、Preparation for wall to walla、检查洞口尺寸与卷帘门尺寸是否相符,卷帘门预留洞口的尺寸,可按 3m 洞口选用,一般洞口宽度和高度均不宜超过 5m。Checking wall to wall whether consist with door size,the size of wall to wall is 3m,normally,the height and width of wall to wall dont exceed 5m.b、检查洞口的导轨预埋件和支架预埋的位置、数量是否正确。Check the location and quantity of the t

3、rack pre-built-in and bracketpre-built-in iron.辅助材料准备:预埋铁件、连接垫板、膨胀螺栓、射钉、螺钉、电焊条及防火装置等。Subsidiary material:pre-built-in iron,connect plate,expension bolt,shoot nail,screw,electric welding strip and fireproof device etc.机具准备:电焊机、手电锯、冲击电钻、射钉枪、手锤、铁凿、螺丝刀、水平尺、铁角尺、钢卷尺、吊线坠、粉线包及电工用具等。Tools:electric welding ma

4、chine,shoot nail gun,electric saw,electric drill,ironchisel,iron hammer,screwdriver,level ruler,steelroll ruler,angle ruler,line bag,plummetand other electric tools.作业条件Work conditiona、已按设计规范设计的卷帘门,按其型号查阅该产品说明书并熟悉电气原理图。According to roll-up shutter model to check product specification and be familiar

5、 withelectric theory.b、检查卷帘门及其零附件的质量和表面处理,均应达到了合格水平。Check quality and surface condition of shutter surfacecondition and its parts,all of them must check out.c、对卷帘门和零部件的各部位基本尺寸进行测量,与设计院要求一致。To meet design institute requirement,measure all round basic size of the shutterand its parts,4、卷帘门的安装形式Roll-up

6、 shutter installation 洞中安装:卷帘门安装在墙体中间,即装在洞中,帘片可向内侧或外侧卷起。(见图 5)Middle installation:shutter be installed in the middle ofthe wall,shutter can Roll up both inside and outside.(see figure 5)洞侧安装:卷帘门安装在墙体侧面,即装在洞外(或洞里),帘片向外侧卷起。(见图 6)Side installation:shutter be installed at the side of wall,thats outside/inside of wallhole,shutter Roll up outside.导轨的安装形式,有埋入式(导轨内装)和外露式(导轨外装)两种。防火卷帘门的安装,一般是焊接在洞口墙体的预埋铁件上。Track can be installed inside and outside,normally,firproof shutter be welded withpre-built-in parts


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