1、Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt about waiting,夏 季 安 全 生 产,目录,防中暑,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt
2、 about waiting,除了高温、烈日曝晒外,精神过度紧张、人员过于密集、工作强度过大、时间过长、睡眠不足、过度疲劳等均为常见的诱因。,防雷电,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt about waiting,3,在室内,不要靠近暖气管片和自来水管或洗淋浴澡。,防触电,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.i
3、ts about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt about waiting,防止劳动防护用品穿戴不规范,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt about waiting,夏季天气炎热,一些安全意识不够的员工不愿意穿戴。一旦危险来临,这些员工连基
4、本的防护都没有,就可能会使事故严重化。,要防疲劳作业和睡岗,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt about waiting,夏天由于人们晚睡早起,聚会较多,相对睡眠不足,另外白天气温较高汗多,体力消耗过大,再加上正午时分烈日当空,此时人体血管扩张,脑部供血量减少,因而时常感到精神不振、昏昏欲睡,确保足够的睡眠时间。,及时补充水分和盐分,注意饮食,多食用蘑菇、蛋类等含
5、维生素B1和B2以及苹果、瓜类等富含维生素C的食物。,防压力容器爆炸和化学品泄漏,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt about waiting,Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass.its about learning to dance Life isnt its about learning to dance in the rain.Life isnt about waiting,