1、办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,办公室安全风险THE HAZARDS OF OFFICE,一、摔跤,First -Trip,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,办公室安全风险THE HAZARDS OF OFFICE,二、与物体相撞,Second -BumpingWithgoods, 如与门、工作台、文件柜、拉开的抽屉、走路的行人等; Door table people ; 可能造成碰伤、流血等; Injury by bump and bleed etc;,5,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,办公室安全风险THE HAZARDS OF OFFICE,三、物体打击,Third -O
2、bjectstrike, 被从工作台、文件柜上掉下的物体砸伤; The material fall down ;可能造成外伤、砸晕等; Injury by it ;,6,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,办公室安全风险THE HAZARDS OF OFFICE,四、夹伤,Fourth -Clampinginjury, 主要是夹入抽屉、门窗或复印机、风扇等机器/设 备中;Drawerwindowfan etc ;可能造成外伤; Injury by them ;,7,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,办公室安全风险THE HAZARDS OF OFFICE,五、火灾,Fifth -Fire
3、, 办公室电气设备不良、老化产生的电火花,乱扔烟头引燃办公室易燃物等; The electric equipment cigarette inflammable引起火灾,造成财产损失,严重时有人员伤亡; Lead to the fire ;,8,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,办公室安全风险THE HAZARDS OF OFFICE, 办公室电气插座、开关损坏,带电体外露会发生触电; The socket switch etc ;引起触电事故,严重时有人员伤亡; Lead to the electrical shock ;,六、触电,Sixth -Electricshock,办公室安全O
4、FFICE SAFETY,办公室安全风险THE HAZARDS OF OFFICE,七、其他,Seventh -Others, 包括杂物进眼睛、割伤、烫伤等等; Eye injury scald etc ;,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,安全办公办法THE MESURES ABOUT SAFE WORK,一、整洁,First -Tidy, 办公楼内所有通道、楼梯等保持整洁卫生;Keep the cleaning about stairsaccess etc;所有窗户完好无损,定期对废物进行清理;All windows in a good condition,Cleaning the w
5、aste in time;,二、通道,Second -Access,地面和通道畅通无阻;The ground and access are unimpeded;楼梯台阶应防滑;Add the measures for slip on stairs;,11,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,安全办公办法THE MESURES ABOUT SAFE WORK,三、照明,Third -Lighting,照明设备均匀分布,有足够照度;The lighting machines are uniform distribution;楼梯、通道、出口处有紧急照明灯;Set the emergency li
6、ghting on the access & stairs & exit,为每一个岗位提供足够的通风;Offering the enough ventilation;空调系统可调,避免过冷或过热;Avoid too hot or too cold;,四、通风,Fourth -Ventilation,12,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,安全办公办法THE MESURES ABOUT SAFE WORK,五、消防,Fifth -Firefighting,应急逃生路线图 1;Emergency escape roadmap 1;消防设施的具体位置 2;The position of firefighting equipment 2;应急疏散通道畅通无阻3 ;The access is unimpeded 3;积极参与公司定期举行的消防演习4 ;Join in the fire drill 4 ;,13,办公室安全OFFICE SAFETY,安全办公办法THE MESURES ABOUT SAFE WORK,六、其他,Sixth -Others,14,办公室安全OFFICE SAFET