1、标准行车安全操作规则1.遵守公司安全规程,遵守设备操作规程和生产工艺操作规程。 (All safetyrules of company, operating rules for equipment and production process are tobe seriously complied with)2.行车的操作,只应由下述持证人员进行,持有操作证的人员执行任务的检修人员非行车工作人员,未经安全部门认可,严禁操作。The following persons with authorized license shall be allowed to operateDemag cranes,
2、A qualified operator with driver licenseMaintenance workers undertaking crane repair.3.设备的性能完好,是安全操作的保障。行车投入使用前,必须根据德马格行车日检表进行点检。 (It is the assurance to safety operation that thecranes are at the good condition & function well. The daily checking must beundertaken according to before putting the cr
3、anes into service.4.严格遵守“十不吊”,指挥混乱,信号不清不吊歪拉,斜拉不吊超负荷不吊冒险作业,视线不清不吊危险物品无安全措施不吊物件捆扎不牢不吊物件上站人不吊吊具不符合要求不吊埋在地下物件情况不明不吊指挥人员未离开吊运危险区域不吊对于违反“十不吊”原则的操作,操作人员有权拒绝执行。The “10 No Lifting Rules” are to be strictly observed at all times. The rules areas followings;No lifting when the direction being given is confusin
4、g or not clear.No lifting when the wire rope is not vertical under load.No lifting of any loads exceeding the Safety Working Load(SWL).No lifting when it is under any risk or the operator has restricted sight.No lifting of dangerous loads unless they are properly protected.No lifting of loads that a
5、re not secured firmly and correctly slung.No lifting of loads while people are standing on the load.No lifting of loads with slings, shackles, hooks and etc. that are not at goodcondition.No lifting when the object is buried in the ground.No lifting when the person directing the lift is in a positio
6、n where he maybeinjured.If the given direction breaks the “ 10 No Lifting Rules”, the operator has theright to refuse to execute the direction.5. 不得频繁利用极限位置限位开关停车; 不得在有载荷得情况下调整起升马达的制动器,物件不得从人和重要设备得上空通过;给车辆吊运时,必须等车辆停靠平稳,装卸人员离开车辆后方可进行;吊运散件时,必须试吊,平稳后方可吊运;所吊重物接近或达到额定起重能力时,吊运前应检查马达刹车系统,并用小高度,短行程试吊,再平稳地吊运。Do not frequently use the end limit switch to stop the crane. Do not adjust thebrake system of hoist when a load is on the hook. Loads should not be movedover personnel or key equipment. When unloadi