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1、Hand Safety Training 双手安全培训,1,Hand Injury Statistics手部伤害统计,安全人之家 https:/,The Next Step” 下一步措施,Hand Injuries account for most of our serious injuries. Safety incidents have long been a major source of injuries. We must reduce these so we must target the specific injury sources,手部伤害在各类重大事故中占了大部分比例,安全事

2、故是导致伤害的主要源头。一定要瞄准具体的伤害源头以减少类似事故的发生,Can we take the same approach to hand safety that we took towards safety - Prevention first, protection second,能否以同样的安全的方式来对待手部安全先预防,后保护,The Next Step” 下一步措施,Take a moment to hold your hands out in front of you. Look at them. They are the only two hands you will ev

3、er have. Do you have any scars,伸出双手观察一下,人这辈子就只有两只手,看看上面有没有伤疤,It has been estimated that almost 20% of all disabling accidents on the job involve the hands. Without your fingers or hands, your ability to work and live an active life, would be greatly reduced,据统计20的伤残事故都发生在手上。没有了手或手指头,个人工作及生活的积极性将会大打折

4、扣,The Next Step” 下一步措施,Image what will change your life you you lost your hands,想象一下没有了双手,你的生活将会是怎样的,Human hands are unique. No other creature in the world has hands that can grasp, hold, move, and manipulate objects like human hands. They are one of your greatest tools and assets. And, as such, mus

5、t be protected and cared for,人类的手是独一无二的。世界上没有任何生物具备可以像人类一样灵活自如地抓提掌控物体之双手。双手就是最好的工具和资产,因此必须要好好保护才行,How would you answer this question? 请回答如下问题: “What is the most used tool in industry?” 工业领域里最常用的工具是什么? Hammer 锤子 Screwdriver 改锥 Drill 电钻 Crescent wrench 扳手 Pliers 钳子,Hand Hazards 手部风险,The most used tool

6、 is: 最常用的工具是: Try writing without using your thumb 没有拇指写字试试看 Try holding a hammer with only two fingers 只用两根手指头握一下锤子试试看 Try using any man made tool without your hands 不用手使用任何其它人造工具试试看 Hand protection is important because our hands are exposed to so many hazards in the workplace 手经常处于多种风险当中,因此保护双手尤为重要,Hand Hazards 手部风险,General Requirements 总体要求,Requirements for Hand Protection对手部防护的要求,We shall train and require employees to use appropriate hand protection when employees hands are exposed to hazar


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